On the planet of Gara-Nora, it homes the Juren people and a peaceful race of Living Crystals.
To avoid exploitation, the Juren fought to keep the secret of the Living Crystals from the rest of the galaxy. But the war left the planet scarred and torn.
Among the chaos is Barb, a Living Crystal who looks human. She lives a nomadic life of a bounty hunter, hunting those who would kill Living Crystals for their power. She calls them the Mehkuch.
Everyone else calls them the nefarious Crystal Witches.
Selim holds Bean on the dark side of Gara-Nora, preparing her for a gruesome death.
Barb and her team race to find Bean with intent to save her, or die trying.
But they'll have to get past her grimsley guard, Dark Progress, who's hate of Barb is so great, he will stop at nothing to make sure she loses her friend.